What is a Credit?
Let’s start by what a “credit” is defined as. A Credit is a single instance of support whereby Modena
assists you over and above the complimentary self-help email sent when a ticket is logged via
email or the support site.
What is covered under a Credit?
A Support Credit will cover, and it’s value covers the total amount of effort required to resolve, the
following three types of issues:
1. Licensing / Activation errors
2. Autodesk Account Management
3. Installation help
What is not covered?
At this point, we are only covering the three abovementioned types of issues. Resolving more than
one issue on a single Credit is not covered. For example, if you are spending a Credit on
Installation help, and we have completed the installation, we will not activate the software also on
the same Credit since that falls into another category and will require another Credit to be used.
We will, however, always provide a complimentary self-help email before asking for another Credit
to be spent.
What if my Credits run out?
More Credits can be purchased at any point in time and they do not expire. If no Credits are
available you will be charged the standard single-instance support cost. You will however still
receive a complimentary self-help email before being charged.